
How to Walk Efficiently

Care about how you walk

Climbing Mt. Fuji takes a long time and thousands of steps, so every step makes a big difference. Don't think it's just about walking; follow the basics.

  • Walk slowly: the speed when climbing stairs on low ground is actually pretty fast, but that won't last long. You will likely get tired from walking too fast at the beginning. Keep a constant pace so as not to lose breath. If you force yourself to keep walking, the risk of mountain sickness will increase.
  • Walk with short strides: walking with long strides looks fast, but it puts a lot of strain on each step and makes you fatigued soon. It also makes your body unstable and increases the risk of falling. Avoid large steps and choose your footing carefully.
  • Walk at a constant pace: walking too slow or too fast can make you tired mentally and physically. Find your own pace as early as possible.

Take a short break every hour

Take a 5-10 minute break every hour without letting your body get cold, and drink water, eat some food, or stretch. Taking a long break makes your body slow down, which will increase the climbing time and cause mental fatigue. Look around during the break and enjoy the scenery. Also, you will be more sensitive to changes in the landscape and weather.

Drink water frequently

Drinking water is essential to replenish the water lost from walking and sweating, which will prevent mountain sickness. You should drink water frequently even if you do not feel thirsty after you start walking. There are no water stations and running water on Mt. Fuji. Please bring your own drinking water or buy it at a mountain lodge.

Eat food regularly

Walking for a long time requires sustained energy. Eat energy food such as a sweet bun every hour, in addition to a pack lunch. In order to burn the fat in your body efficiently, keep taking carbohydrates (sugar content) because they cannot be stored in your body. If you keep walking without eating food, you will waste protein in your muscles and be unable to move.
Nuts, chocolates, cookies, cheese, dried fruits, gummy candies, and other, easy-to-eat food high in sugar and protein are recommended. Something sour is effective for recovering from fatigue. Sour food works to replenish minerals lost from sweating.


Before walking and during a break, you should frequently stretch your calves, thighs, arms, shoulders, and other muscles. This will make your body less fatigued and prevent injury to some extent.