
Injuries and Illnesses


Some of the trails on Mt. Fuji are very steep and strewn with stones and rocks. Many climbers sprain an ankle by putting their foot on unstable stones and losing their balance. Sometimes they cannot control their speed and fall down when descending the mountain. Climbing Mt. Fuji takes a long time, which can cause fatigue and pain in your heart, lungs, muscles, and joints.

  • Wear high-cut trekking shoes with hard soles.
  • Use walking poles to reduce the strain on your knees, which will allow you to maintain your balance more easily.
  • If you have any concerns, prepare athletic tape and supporters before climbing.
  • Bring a first aid kit just in case.
  • Many of the injuries and accidents in mountain climbing occur during the descent. Pace yourself to leave enough energy to descend, and go down the mountain carefully.
  • If you are in a hurry and rush, you will lose your concentration. Please make a climbing plan that allows for plenty of time.


Hypothermia is a symptom that can occur when your body loses more heat than it retains, regardless of the outside temperature. The illness is not just a feeling of cold but can have a fatal effect on your consciousness and behavior. The risk of hypothermia increases of course when the temperature is low, but it requires special attention when your clothes and underwear are wet with sweat or rain, and when it is windy, because your body heat will be lost more easily. The temperature on Mt. Fuji can be near freezing according to the altitude and weather conditions. Also, it often rains and is windy, which will increase the risk of hypothermia.

Symptoms of Hypothermia

In severe cases, you will experience uncontrollable shaking, groggy, and slurred speech. If not treated properly, you may die.


To prevent hypothermia, you must have a proper climbing plan for sudden weather changes and be well-equipped. Taking energy food frequently will make your body warmer.

Winter clothes

Fleece, sweater, down jacket, arctic cap, gloves, neck warmer, rescue sheet (survival sheet: about 500 yen), thick socks, etc.
* Rescue sheets can prevent the risk of death if climbers in danger owing to bad weather with rain and strong winds cannot evacuate to a mountain lodge.

Underwear (quick-drying)

Choose quick-drying underwear made of chemical fiber. Cotton underwear, T-shirts, and jeans are not suitable for mountain climbing because they are hard to dry and become heavy once they are wet. During the day, the sun sometimes makes you hot and sweat. Bring more than one spare set of underwear.

What to do
  • If your clothes are wet, change them with dry ones immediately.
  • Replenish water with hot tea or other beverage as much as possible.
  • Warm yourself by all means such as a hot water bottle or a portable warmer.
  • If you don't have any appropriate warmer, you can also heat yourself up from the body heat of a healthy person.

Altitude sickness

Altitude sickness (or mountain sickness) can be caused by a reduced oxygen level in the blood when you are at high altitudes (roughly from about 3000 m or more). If the condition becomes acute, brain and pulmonary edema can occur and be fatal. Understanding and preventing altitude sickness is important for enjoying a safe and comfortable climb of Mt. Fuji. The risk of getting altitude sickness tends to increase when you don't get enough sleep and feel unwell.
Whether or not you develop the illness varies from person to person and is not directly related to exercise capacity. People who do sports on a daily basis may develop the illness, while people who do not exercise regularly may not.

Main symptoms

  • Swelling of face, hands, and feet
  • Fatigue, feeling of weakness
  • Headache, dizziness, loss of appetite
  • Nausea, vomiting, etc.

Effective precautions

  • For a few days before climbing, get enough sleep and get in shape well before if possible.
  • A few days before climbing Mt. Fuji, visit a mountain of about 3000 meters. (Some mountains like Mt. Nishi-Hotaka and Mt. Kiso-Koma allow access to such high altitudes by cable car)
  • Drink plenty of water frequently. (Dehydration increases the risk of blood clots) - Before departure, take a break at the 5th Station for about one - two hours, which will help you adjust to the high altitude.
  • Ascend at a slow and constant pace
  • Take short breaks regularly without letting your body get cold.
  • Drink water frequently (if you do not drink water to avoid going to the toilet, you are more likely to get altitude sickness)
  • Take deep breaths and exhale completely, using your stomach muscles.
  • Speak to each other, and if you find someone who is not feeling well, do not push them.

What to do
Medical supplies and oxygen cylinders are used for climbers for long-term high-altitude climbing, but the only way to cure altitude sickness is to descend. If you keep climbing, you are unlikely to get better than your current condition. If the symptoms are severe, don't push yourself, and go down the mountain.
Portable oxygen sprays may have a temporally effect to alleviate the breathing trouble but cannot be practically used to cure altitude sickness because the amount of oxygen is significantly limited compared to that in cylinders.


Tension, fatigue, sudden exercise, and drinking alcohol can cause hyperventilation (hyperventilation syndrome), which sometimes makes you numb in the hands and feet. Breathe slowly and rest for a while, which can improve the symptoms.

Heat illness / heatstroke

On a sunny, windless day in mid-summer, it is very hot even on Mt. Fuji. Maintain a correct pace and take general measures such as drinking plenty of water and wearing a cap.


Ultraviolet rays are strong on the upper part of Mt. Fuji, which puts you at risk of burning on the exposed parts of your body. Apply sunscreen cream for protection. Your eyes may hurt depending on the direction of the sun and the presence or absence of clouds. Wear sunglasses.

In case of injury and illness

There are first-aid facilities at the Yoshida Trail 7th and 8th Stations, and the Fujinomiya Trail 8th Station, where doctors are stationed for a certain period during the climbing season. If you can walk by yourself, please use the first-aid facilities.

If you can't descend by yourself

If you can't descend by yourself, please request rescue as soon as possible. Contact varies by trail. You can ask the mountain lodge for the correct contact. If there is a sign nearby, please report the number on the sign.