Places where you can easily go wrong

Yoshida Trail

6th Sta. forking of ascending trail and descending trail
Descending trail 8th Sta. Shita-Edoya hut
6th Sta. Near the conservation cooperation donation booth

Gotemba / Fujinomiya(Prince Route) Trail

6th Sta. divergence of Umanose/ Ohsuna-bashiri.

Umanose Forking
Turn left for Gotemba Ent.
Umanose Forking
Go straight for Fujinomiya Ent.

What happens if you take a wrong turn?

If you descend on a wrong trail, you will need to take several public transportations and go around the foot of the mountain to get back to the original trailhead. That will consume considerable amount of your money and time. It is very important not to make this mistake. 

To avoid getting lost

Meet at a branch

When climbing in a group, there will be a serious trouble if someone in your group takes the wrong trail. On a descending trail in particular, many people walk absent-mindedly out of fatigue and sleepiness, and may miss a fork in the trail. Therefore it is strongly recommended to meet up at critical junctions (mentioned above) and together head down the correct trail.

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