Important Notice:

All trails are currently closed.
The 2024 climbing season is finished.Trails have been already closed.
(Except 5th to 6th Sta of Fujinomiya Trail)

Mt.Fuji Volcanic Alert Level

Level 1: Potential for increased activity

What's New


Live cameras

Fujiyoshida City/ from Fuji Hokuroku Flux Observation SiteProvided by MOE Internet Nature Institute
Fujiyoshida City/ from Biodivercity CenterProvided by MOE Internet Nature Institute
Fujinomiya City/ from Lake TanukikoProvided by MOE Internet Nature Institute
Shizuoka-City/Shimizu portProvided by Shizuoka Prefecture
Fujinomiya-City/Livestock technology laboratoryProvided by Shizuoka Prefecture
The 5th station rotary of Fuji-Subaru LineProvided by Fujiyoshida City