
Climbing and hiking season

Each ascending trail has its own opening period

The 2024 climbing seasons are as follows (opening date and closing date are subject to change every year due to the remaining snow and weather conditions.


Opening period


Yoshida Trail

(Yamanashi Pref. side)

July 1 - September 10

The Ohachimeguri trail (incl. Kengamine peak) and the descent trail (down to the 8th station) will be open from July 10th.
You can use the descending mountain road until the noon of September 11th.

Subashiri Trail

(Shizuoka Pref. side)

July 10 - September 10


Gotemba Trail

(Shizuoka Pref. side)


Fujinomiya Trail

(Shizuoka Pref. side)

Between 5th to 6th Station will open from early May.


[Ohachimeguri Trail]



Be aware of the seasonal changes and climb safely.

July 1 - July 9 (Until all trails are open) *

* The opening day for each trail has been basically decided, but the date may change depending on conditions of the trail and remaining snow. Please check for updated conditions.
From July 1st to July 9th, only Yoshida trail in Yamanashi Prefecture will be open. Three other trails in Shizuoka Prefecture as wells as Ohachimeguri (the circular trail at the rim of the summit crater) will be closed. (You will not be able to reach to Kengamine peak.)
Ohachimeguri trail is dangerous due to remaining patches of snow on the trail. Please check regulatory information announcement after the climbing season begins. Refrain from entering off-limits areas under any circumstances.

Points to note
- Thick fog often arises before the end of the rainy season. Be cautious not to lose your way.
- It is very cold near the summit. And it is not rare for the temperature to drop below the freezing point in the morning and at night. Be well prepared against cold.
- Because the descending trail of the Subashiri route is still closed, ascending trail near the summit is used for both directions and connects to the descent-only trail at the 8th station.  Please be aware of the route.

July 10 * - about July 20 (Until the end of the rainy season)

All mountain trails will be open (*), but please be aware of the following points.
* The dates each trail opens are generally determined, but the exact dates may vary depending on the year's remaining snow and trail conditions. Please be sure to check the latest information.

Points to note
- Because it is just before the end of the rainy season, there is often thick fog, so be careful not to get lost.
- It is very cold near the summit, and it is not uncommon for the temperature to drop below freezing in the morning and evening. Sufficient cold protection measures are required.

About July 20 - August 20

After the rainy season is over, a Pacific high pressure system covers the area and the temperature rises, making it a summer-like climate. 

Points to note
- The sunlight is intense on sunny days and you need to be careful about heatstroke.
- On the other hand, it gets cold near the summit and you need to take safety precautions against cold especially if you plan to wait for the sun rise around the summit. There is also a risk of hypothermia. You should be fully prepared.
- When full-blown summer arrives, typhoon season also begins.  Not to mention in case of direct hit of typhoon, but even though a typhoon is still far, it can stimulate a weather front around Mt. Fuji and cause unexpected torrential rain. Please check updated information and make a careful judgement.
- Even if there are no typhoons or fronts nearby, it is not unusual for cumulonimbus clouds to develop (as a result of heat during the day) which may cause a sudden thunderstorm in the afternoon. Please be cautious of the appearance of rain clouds in particular.
- The trails get crowded particularly during weekends, consecutive national holidays and Obon holidays.

About August 21 - September 10

As the Pacific high pressure system weakens and the hot summer comes to an end, some mountain huts may end their operation for the season early.

Points to note
- When the Pacific high pressure system weakens and goes southwards, more typhoons moves along the edge of the high pressure system and pass near Japan. Please pay attention to typhoon information.
- It is very cold near the summit. And it is not rare for the temperature to drop below the freezing point in the morning and at night. Be well prepared against cold.
- Some mountain huts close before the end of the climbing season. Please make sure to check the business operations information of the mountain huts in order to avoid troubles regarding water supply and toilets along the way.